Proper Tattoo Machine Needle/Tube and Voltage Setup

This video gives a brief description and demonstration on proper needle and tube installation, as well as a detailed explanation of proper power supply settings. All products featured in this video can be purchased directly from Superior Tattoo Equipment.

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19 thoughts on “Proper Tattoo Machine Needle/Tube and Voltage Setup”

  1. I did everything like it is in here. The power supply is working, the machine gun is set up just fine, and when i plug it into the power supply nothing will happen, no sound, no nothing, no vibration :s it's like if the machine gun is broken, can u help me out?

  2. I thought this is pretty good. I learned something. I'm a regular fine artist, a painter.
    A friend brought me 4 new tattoo machines. He seen my art & just thought this would be something I coud get into. It seems eaiser the mastering an Airbrush…but that's apples & bannanas. I think I will take my portfolio to the tattoo palor and see what it'll take for the pros to teach me. Thank you-TAG=roballen2

  3. im focusing on tattoo artists.not tattoo parlors,back yard tattooists or scrachers. i ve seen some shops with licence (follow hygiene regulations) that do crappy tattoos and scrachers that do great tattoos.they dont have though the hole package.these are people that would charge for apprenticeship.imagine sending away the next Victor Portugal,Guy Atkinson,Bob Tyrrel or paul booth because they didnt have the money.sorry to disagree with you.

  4. mrdracconus im not saying this nor to fight through the internet or to insult
    but the elite of the tattoo artists dont charge for the apprenticeship,they simply dont do it unless they see in you the potential to carry their name in be a tattoo artist you have to have talent in drawing a good character and be clean(follow hygiene rules).these are things they earned very hard and they dont want anyone to ruin their reputation just because they have the apprentice is your mirror.

  5. Because it gives lazy fucks like you something to complain about. At the risk of sounding like "back in my day," when I apprenticed, we didnt' BUY needles. We MADE them, soldering them to the bar by hand. Liners were 3 000 needles with the tips tied together, then bowed to leave room for the ink, soldered to the bar. You wanna whine about having to bend the bar (which is done as needed for YOUR machines and tubes)? Maybe I should do the work for you too?
    Like he said, learn it properly.

  6. Everyone prefers to run their set up differently. Some like more bend, some less and some none. It is simpler to make them all straight, and let those who want to bend them do so how they feel the need to. I prefer a very slight bend on my rotaries, but my coil machines need more.

  7. Wouldnt ship any differently at all, they would still fit perfectly in the packs they come in, th bend is so minor it wont make a difference.

  8. imagine how it would ship if the needles were not linear… think about it.. this is as bad as the "why aren't there circular pizza boxes"

  9. Eric. 1rl are rarely used. They are for very very small
    Lining and detail. Most artist of many years don't even use 1rl. The most common liners for tattoos are 5-7 rl. Hope this helps. Also If it's cutting your skin there could be a few issues first off if you have ten needles maybe 6-7 are good they might be barbed. A small eye scope is best for looking at each needle before you use them. Second when putting the needle in the tube be careful so
    It doesn't snag or get stuck this causes

  10. egads, when will uploaders learn that leaving commentary open to the retard public out there is a waste of bandwidth and time?

    shut up, you don't know jack or shit… if you did, you wouldn't be here commenting.

  11. And yet again… you are wrong. Unless of course, you know EVERY tattoo artist who is "worth a damn" which I'm pretty sure you don't. No, scratch that..I'm positive you don't. Nice try though. you might want to pull that nail out of your tail because you're talking yourself in circles. LOL

  12. How the hell would you know whether someone on the INTERNET has a license to Tattoo? Exactly, you don't so shut the fuck up with your retarded simplistic childlike banter. Just because things went the way they did for YOU doesn't mean that is always the case. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. NO SELF RESPECTING TATTOO ARTIST THAT IS WORTH A DAMN DOES APPRENTICESHIPS FOR FREE!


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