If you are a new tattoo artist, and you are thinking about getting a new tattoo kit, it would be imperative that you take your time and research first. Conducting a painstaking and meticulous research will help you know the bolts and nuts of the various tattoo kits available on the market. It’s no secret, some tattoo kits work better than other. Researching will help you make the right ink and power supply. It will help you avoid purchasing toxic inks or cheap power sources that overheat even after gentle use. A quintessential example of a tattoo kit that is versatile, accommodative, and perfect for upcoming tattoo artist is the Hildbrandt Pro Tattoo Kit. Fortunately, this article provides you with an insightful review on this amazing tattoo kit.
What is the Hildbrandt Pro Tattoo Kit?
The Hildbrandt Professional Tattoo Kit is a training system that combines the tattoo supply and equipment crash course 101, visual tutorial of the Hildbrandt training DVD, and the hardware necessary to learn the trade. The tattoo kit is specifically designed to be used after or even during the learning process for new tattoo artists. The Hildbrandt Professional Tattoo Kit is auspiciously versatile and easy to modify. The tattoo kit will grow with you as you progress to becoming a seasoned professional tattoo artist.
Features and Benefits of the Hildbrandt Pro Tattoo Kit
The Hildbrandt Professional Tattoo Kit comes with various features that will ensure that your learning curve is not only rewarding but also enjoyable. The first thing that will hit you when you purchase the Hildbrandt Professional Tattoo Kit is how well packed it is. All the consumables that come with the tattoo kit are sterilized with indicator strip and blister packed. Some of the notable features and benefits include:
The Power Supply
The tattoo kit features Hildbrandt PW10 power supply, which stacks favorably as one of the best power supplies in the market. The power supply is sturdily constructed and is designed to offer the convenience of a fine tuning, digital display, and a conveniently located toggle switch. Additionally, the power supply also has two ports; one for and shader and the other for a liner. On average, the machine working voltage engages 3.8v To 5.5v.
The .44 Magnum Liner
The tattoo kit also features a .44 magnum liner, which has well polished and sturdy frame. This helps to improve the aesthetic of the machine and also adds a spice of ‘professional’ feel to it. The well-constructed frame ensures that the machine performs flawlessly and with power loss or sputtering.
The .38 Caliber Shader and .444 Marlin Shader
The .38 caliber shader and .444 marlin shader are also well-built. Like a samurai sword, they are designed to be held and feel very good on the hand. They are smooth and are not overly loud with the ‘buzzing clatter’ as is the case with many traditional tattoo machines.
User Friendly
The Hildbrandt Pro Tattoo Kit is considerably user-friendly. Working with it is plain sailing. It is easy to tune and run, which makes it one of the best tattoo kits in the market. The kit comes with a comprehensive textbook called “Basics Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo,” which is quite advantageous in your learning process.
Quality and Affordability
The Hildbrandt Pro Tattoo Kit offers tattoo artist quality at a pocket-friendly cost. The machine is quality, the power supply is solid and reliable, the kit supplies and accessories are of top-notch quality. Apart from the above features, the Hildbrandt Pro Tattoo Kit also comes with an iron foot pedal, latex gloves, radiant colors, practice skin, Grommets pack, Machine adjustment spanner, assorted ink cups pack, skin scribe pen, and a squeeze ink bottle.
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