LACEnano Rotary Tattoo Machine – Assembly and Operation

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So what is so special about LACEnano rotary tattoo machine?

It’s is the combination of different technologies used in tattoo machines and other fields.

Because of use of brushless motor technology, the motors are smaller, stronger and can be autoclavable – Yes including the motor.

Every single piece is build from a solid block of aircraft aluminium, which means it is very light and very strong at the same time – LACEnano has only 45 grams (Including the motor).

LACEnano rotary tattoo machine uses magnetic drive transfer that allows adjustability of the strength of a hit and the stroke – That means LACEnano can be used for shading and linning.

With every LACEnano tattoo machine you also get LACEnano power supply for adjusting the speed.

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This is a basic tutorial clip done for viewers and members. We decided to upload this to as a viable alternative to hosting the video files ourselves. This tutorial is brief and focuses on machine familiarization, a few tips on tuning, and general information. If you wish to leave comments, visit and drop us a comment or email us.
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28 thoughts on “LACEnano Rotary Tattoo Machine – Assembly and Operation”

  1. This machine is awesome I am using it everyday and it is everything it says it is. It really is light as a feather yet can be very hard hitting. It is completely adjustable with both give and stroke the stroke goes from 0 to 6 mm, and the give from solid as a rock to light as a feather with just a few turns of a knob on the fly. Excellent machine, very impressed. To the person who claims this is a John Clark rip off, what rubbish, this machine is far superior to John Clarks, it uses a brushless powerful motor where Clark uses a normal huge brushed motor, the nano is small , light and professional looking, Clarks are huge, heavy and look home made. So get your facts right.

  2. Thanks for posting. I learnerd all of this through my apprenticeship but I like your video for little tips like two rubber bands instead of one. Also, I wanted to give kudos for the accuracy and health precautions. Scratchers and ignorance are destroying our beloved industry. But, atleeast you are attempting to properly educate.

  3. Are those sterile gloves … or just latex from a box? because then you touching that needle at this point doesn't really matter now does it?

  4. the diff. between liners and shaders is spring tension. it has nothing to do with throw thats all you change by adjusting the contact screw you cant just take a liner make the gap bigger an call it a shader id love to see you shade with that

  5. I just got a kit and I'm so eager to learn. I don't really want to be a tattooist per say, I have just always been fascinated and want to learn everything. I might change my mind if I get really really good, but I just want to learn right now. these videos have already shown me a lot. No tattoo studios were willing to teach me anything even when I offered to do stuff like work for free on my days off just cleaning and stuff. so I'm just doing a trial and error thing. I refuse to do actual tattoos but have used the hell out of practice skins. lol

  6. why does everyone have to bash someone that is wanting to start of to be a tattoo artist…you have to think that back in the day like 40-50 yrs ago did they have license?? no I don't think so…

  7. hate how people think they know more then others everyone learns there own way the first person to ever do a tattoo who taught him ? its all up to that person to do his research stop trying to put people down everyone starts somewhere

  8. hello this video is better then one in my kit .the only question I have is does the needle brand matter cause it not doing good lines

  9. Don't listen to all these shop artists saying you need an apprenticeship, If you're determined,clean,practice & practice with willing participants, do it from home!!!, Here in the UK some tattooers are trying their damnedest to get artists banned from tattooing from home, if you're CLEAN then there is fuck all anyone can do, period… The shop Tattooers are basing their hate campaign on Ones talent,as with their own ego, well talent is endless motherfuckers….

  10. Thank you for the basic set up. My "beginner kit" was sent with a bad instructional video. Yeah I know. But my wife bought it for me as she has been trying to get me in to tattooing since we got married twelve years ago, and she found out I was an artist. Though I have been fairly scared to ever try since it was a medium I'd never worked with. I'm not someone who is looking to be some kitchen tattooist, I just like working in as many mediums as I can. Once again thanks for posting that video.


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